Bibliografie des fantastischen Films / Bibliography of Fantastic Film
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Bibliografie des fantastischen Films / Bibliography of Fantastic Film
Bibliografie des Fantastischen Films
Bibliography of Fantastic Film
literature list results

The literature list indexes sources from different countries in different languages. In principle the original spelling of each language was kept including its special characters. |info| Film, literature and music titles cited in the literature list are shown in italics. |info|

literature list on: Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]

number of items: 33

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?O City of publication unknown
?V Publishing company unknown
?J Year of publication unknown
?N Issue number unknown
?G Volume number unknown
?D Date of publication unknown
?P Number of pages unknown
?R Series number unknown
Literature list

The Bastard (Akutaro). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 34.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Akutaro (1963)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Branded to Kill (Koroshi no rakuin). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 42.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Koroshi no rakuin (1967)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994.
Desser, David: [untitled] In: Film Quarterly 49. 1996. No. 3. [Spring] pp. 61-62.
Includes an annotated filmography and a bibliography.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Thriller ~ Thriller

Buruma, Ian: The eccentric imagination of a genre film-maker. In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. pp. 18-23.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Thriller ~ Thriller

Carmen from Kawachi (Kawachi karumen). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 39.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Kawachi karumen (1966)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Chute, David: Branded to thrill. In: Film Comment 28. 1992. No. 1. [January/February] pp. 20-22.
On the films of Seijun Suzuki.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Thriller ~ Thriller

Chute, David: Branded to thrill. In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. pp. 10-17.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Thriller ~ Thriller

Clarke, Roger: Princess Raccoon. In: Sight and Sound NS 16. 2006. No. 7. [July] pp. 66-68.
On Seijun Suzuki’s Operetta tanuki goten.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Operetta tanuki goten (2005)

Detective Bureau 2-3: Go to Hell, Bastards! (Tantei jimusho 2-3: Kutabare akutodomo). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 32.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Tantei jimusho 2-3: Kutabare akutodomo (1963)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Fighting Elegy (Kenka erejii). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 41.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Kenka erejii (1966)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Gate of Flesh (Nikutai no mon). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 36.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Nikutai no mon (1964)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Gerle, Jörg: Seijun Suzuki, 24.5.1923-13.2.2017. In: Film-Dienst 70. 2017. No. 6. [March 16] p. 26.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]

Gräfe, Lutz / Möller, Olaf: Interview mit Seijun Suzuku. In: Splatting Image 1994. No. 20. [December] pp. 23-27..
Includes an detailed filmography.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]

Heat-Haze Theatre (Kagero-za). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 44.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Kagero-za (1981)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Jacoby, Alexander: Gangster number one. In: Sight and Sound NS 24. 2014. No. 9. [September] p. 114.
On a Blu-ray edition of Seijun Suzuki’s Koroshi no rakuin (Branded to Kill).
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Koroshi no rakuin (1967)
Kriminalität ~ Crime
Blu-Ray Disk ~ Blu-Ray Disc

Kanto Wanderer (Kanto mushuku). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 35.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Kanto mushuku (1963)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Le Pajolec, Sébastien / Rousseau, Nicolas: La chair et le fouet. In: Vertigo 2001. No. 22. [October] pp. 163-168.
On the representation of the human back as a metaphor for sexuality and/or violence in Mario Bava’s La frusta e il corpore and Seijun Suzaki’s Nikutai no mon.
Bava, Mario
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
frusta e il corpore, La (1963)
Nikutai no mon (1964)
Gewalt ~ Violence
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Körper ~ Bodies

Love Letter (Rabu Retaa). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 31.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Rabu retaa (1959)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Midding, Gerhard: Eleganz als Schmuggelware: Seijun Suzuki, Regisseur, 24.5.1923-13.2.2017. In: EPD Film 34. 2017. No. 4. [April] p. 9.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]

Miyao, Daisuke: Dark visions of Japanese film noir: Suzuki Seijun’s Branded to Kill (1967). In: Japanese cinema: Texts and contexts. Edited by Alastair Phillips and Julian Stringer. - London; New York: Routledge 2007. p. ?P.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Koroshi no rakuin (1967)
Film Noir ~ Film Noir
Japan ~ Japan

Nackt und verdammt. - Wien: ?V ?J. (= Neues Filmprogramm 4417.)
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Shunpuden (1965)

One Generation of Tatoos (Irezumi ichidai). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 38.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Irezumi ichidai (1965)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Rayns, Tony: Deep Seijun. In: Sight and Sound NS 16. 2006. No. 7. [July] pp. 26-28.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]

Rayns, Tony: Suzuki Seijun, 1923-2017. In: Sight and Sound NS 27. 2017. No. 5. [May] p. 14.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]

Rayns, Tony: The Kyoka factor: The delights od Suzuki Seijun. In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. pp. 4-9.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Thriller ~ Thriller

Story of a Prostitute (Shunpuden). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 37.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Shunpuden (1965)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Suzuki, Seijun: Suzuki on Suzuki. In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. pp. 24-29.
The director on his films.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Thriller ~ Thriller

Tokyo Drifter (Tokyo nagaremono). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 40.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Tokyo nagaremono (1966)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Trifonova, T.: From genre flick to art film: Seijun Suzuki’s Branded to Kill and Pistol Opera. In: Genre in Asian film and television: New approaches. Edited by Felicia Chan, Angelina Karpovich and Xin Zhang. - Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2011. p. ?P.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Koroshi no rakuin (1967)
Pisutoru opera (2001)
Asien ~ Asia

Vick, Tom: Time and place are nonsense: The films of Seijun Suzuki. - ?O: University of Washington Press 2015.
Pinkerton, Nick: [untitled.] In: Sight and Sound NS 26. 2016. No. 2. [February] p. 107.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]

Youth of the Beast (Yaju no seishun). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 33.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Yaju no seishun (1963)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Yumeji. In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 45.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Yumeji (1991)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Zigeunerweisen. In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 43.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Zigeunerweisen (1980)
Thriller ~ Thriller

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Bibliografie des fantastischen Films / Bibliography of Fantastic Film

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